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Many food addicts are mistakenly treated for Binge Eating Disorders. Both conditions look very similar on the surface but are scientifically miles apart.

What are the similarities? Both sufferers experience loss of control over food consumption and will find it increasingly difficult to lose weight and keep it off by diet and exercise.

Binge Eating Disorder clients do not have the skills to deal with difficult emotions and use unhealthy eating behaviours to cover up unhealthy unresolved...

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Food Addictions? Blame the Food Industry!

Let’s start this article with an incredibly scary fact: food can be as addictive as cocaine.

The dopamine hit that cocaine produces has been proven to be extremely similar to the dopamine released when we eat our favourite foods. Not only do we receive a high level of ‘reward’ (the dopamine hit) when we eat these foods, but our brains don’t habituate this dopamine hit. This means that our brain doesn’t get used to the pleasure-inducing food and reduce the hit...

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Why Diets Can’t Cure Food Addiction

There are so many diets available online and it seems like new ones are being invented every day. So why do so many people fail to stick to these diets, or succeed initially, but then pour the weight back on?

There are many reasons that diets fail. Some of them are listed below.

Mental Preparation/Behavioural Change – many people dread starting a diet. This means that they begin their endeavour with completely the wrong mindset. They may also have rushed into choosing a diet that...

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