






How To Manage Emotional Eating After Weight Loss

Beyond Weight Loss

Weight loss is often the primary goal and the main motivation for overcoming emotional eating. As weight improves we’re inspired to continue through a sense of reward and accomplishment. Praise from others adds to the good feelings and spurs you on to reach your desired weight. But what about after you’ve hit your target weight? This can often be the most difficult time to manage emotional eating. External validation and internal reward can wane once a goal is...

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How To Get Out Of A Food Rut And Avoid Boredom With Food Choices

Small Steps Make A Huge Difference

We can find ourselves in a food rut for many reasons, yet the results are the same for everyone; bored, unsatisfied and complacent about food. Instead of being excited about preparing our next dish, we start to consider it another chore to complete. We stick to the same meals and flavours because they’re familiar and easy. We might find ourselves in a food rut due to a tight budget, lack of time, or fussy family eaters. It’s difficult to know how...

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Triggers For Food Cravings And How To Control Them


What Is A Trigger?

We all live in a loud, fast-paced world crammed full of potential triggers.  Every day we receive subtle and obvious messages from media about the choices we should make and how we should be living.  Not one of us can easily sidestep the temptations expertly propositioned by advertising experts.  Unless we live in a bubble, it’s extremely difficult to maintain healthy habits all of the time.  Yet even the smallest deviation from good food...

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The Best Approach For Optimum Health


The Connection Between Physical and Mental Health

From a young age we associate certain foods with specific feelings. We’re all aware of the positive and negative emotions typically linked with certain foods. However, the connection between food and health goes much deeper than most of us realise.

There is a complex vicious cycle at play when we eat certain foods; it affects our mental and physical health in ways you might not expect. The results can be extremely damaging to our...

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Why More Women Are Turning to Holistic Therapy for Burnout and Stress

Acupuncture, aromatherapy, meditation, yoga, crystal healing, journaling - what do they all have in common?

They’re part of a very long list of holistic therapies that are proving a hit with women struggling with burnout.

But it isn’t just about using holistic therapies for burnout.

Burnout is a whole package of unwelcome things such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks, self-confidence and poor self-image...among other things.

And guess what? Holistic therapies such as Energy...

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The Difference Between Food Addiction and Binge Eating Disorders

Many food addicts are mistakenly treated for Binge Eating Disorders. Both conditions look very similar on the surface but are scientifically miles apart.

What are the similarities? Both sufferers experience loss of control over food consumption and will find it increasingly difficult to lose weight and keep it off by diet and exercise.

Binge Eating Disorder clients do not have the skills to deal with difficult emotions and use unhealthy eating behaviours to cover up unhealthy unresolved...

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Food Addictions? Blame the Food Industry!

Let’s start this article with an incredibly scary fact: food can be as addictive as cocaine.

The dopamine hit that cocaine produces has been proven to be extremely similar to the dopamine released when we eat our favourite foods. Not only do we receive a high level of ‘reward’ (the dopamine hit) when we eat these foods, but our brains don’t habituate this dopamine hit. This means that our brain doesn’t get used to the pleasure-inducing food and reduce the hit...

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Why Diets Can’t Cure Food Addiction

There are so many diets available online and it seems like new ones are being invented every day. So why do so many people fail to stick to these diets, or succeed initially, but then pour the weight back on?

There are many reasons that diets fail. Some of them are listed below.

Mental Preparation/Behavioural Change – many people dread starting a diet. This means that they begin their endeavour with completely the wrong mindset. They may also have rushed into choosing a diet that...

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