Food Addictions? Blame the Food Industry!

Let’s start this article with an incredibly scary fact: food can be as addictive as cocaine.

The dopamine hit that cocaine produces has been proven to be extremely similar to the dopamine released when we eat our favourite foods. Not only do we receive a high level of ‘reward’ (the dopamine hit) when we eat these foods, but our brains don’t habituate this dopamine hit. This means that our brain doesn’t get used to the pleasure-inducing food and reduce the hit each time, as it would do with other drugs. Like cocaine, the dopamine we experience stays level each time we indulge, which keeps us coming back for more.

So, what’s this got to do with the Food Industry?

Well, the food industry knows the ‘magic’ combination. The three key ingredients that will make their products fly off the shelves and hook us up to their food like laboratory rats needing a fix. And these three key ingredients are Sugar, Fat and Salt.

Studies on laboratory rats and mice found that only the foods with all three of these ingredients in them made the animals eat – and eat – and eat. Rats that were given just extra fat in their diets didn’t overeat or become obese.

How does the Food Industry make us eat more?

Packaging – It may sound obvious, but food companies know how to catch our eye. The unhealthier a product is, the brighter it’s packaging will be. And the food industry knows that when we see something that looks like the treat we want, the brain immediately responds by producing dopamine, which starts off the craving process.

Processing – Food processing basically means changing a food’s structure so that it’s easy to eat. Processed chicken is quicker and easier to binge on because most of the fibres are removed, water is added, making it soft and juicy. Boneless wings? So much quicker to eat! The food industry knows all of this, and its constant production of processed food shows just how well its tricks work; if it’s quicker and easier to eat then we eat more of it!

Hidden Sugar, Fat and Salt – The food industry pack nearly all convenience food with these hidden ingredients. Cereals, pasta sauces, ketchup, dressings, bread, fruit juices – these are just some of the foods that are packed with hidden sugar. Sauces and dressings are extremely addictive because of the added fat, sugar and salt.

Added Chemicals and Flavourings – There are hundreds of companies out there whose whole purpose is to make food taste like something it’s not. And they are raking in the profits. Most popular brands of hot chocolate contain hardly any real chocolate or dairy at all. Instead, they are full of flavourings (chemicals) that taste like chocolate, and fake creamers to mimic the texture of creamy dairy.

What’s the solution?

Simply avoid processed foods. But hang on, we can’t – because we’re addicted. And breaking an addiction takes much more work than simple avoidance. Educating yourself by reading articles like this one, and Food Addiction Coaching is one of the only ways we can break this cycle.


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